what's your story?
5 myths about writing books … and why you should start writing yours
Happy New Year from Present Tense!
The Next Step in Your Master Story: The Right Words Matter
Collaboration: The Expert Pieces of your Master Story
Finding Your Path with a Master Story
Storytelling for Professionals: How it helps and how to get started
Honing Habit: Creating a Master Story
We are here, and we have missed you.
Lessons from Netflix pricing: Ignoring statistical fallacies … and trolls
Sons, fathers, and robots: humanity in business
It's after the action. Here's how to write the review.
Flexiblity at work: lessons from a PA
Behavioral Pricing: Why coffee and music don't mix
Corporately aging gracefully, or solving workplace problems before they are problems
Benefiting everyone through community service days
Learning a Violin's Lessons
Apple just launched a “value war” in music streaming
Embracing a world of content
Crew coordination: a pilot's perspective on managing a team
“Music has value”: Hard lessons from the music industry